The Value of Team

As Michele and I have gone out talking with people about supporting our ministry, one consistent theme has been on our mind: building a team of people who desire to invest in Senegal and our mission there. Since the day we were appointed, we have talked about how we will build our team, keep it […]

Our Latest History Lesson: The BOH

Last weekend, Michele and I spent time visiting with Don and Jan Kuhn. Don and Jan were missionaries in Senegal in the late 1960's and early 1970's. During that time, they ran the Home of Hope (HOH), which was an orphanage for Senegalese children. We hope to write more about the history of the Home […]


When we started to think about moving to Senegal, there were some minor fears that surrounded our decisions: how will we survive without our grocery stores, will we be able to actually speak French when we are in Senegal, will we be able to become world-class barters when trying to buy things in the markets? […]